By Akinkunmi

1. Football table. I play with my siblings during lockdown.
2. Shoe for walks and fresh air.
3. Bible, which is my daily routine to study the word of God.
4. Face mask for covering the face against the pandemic.
5. Bluetooth Speaker, connected to my mobile phone via bluetooth for listening to music.
6. Smart phone, for communication with my family and friends during lockdown.
7. Carrot oil, it is a liquid which I use on my body to have a radiant skin.
8. Calculator, for calculating financial figures deals during lockdown.
9. As a teacher I have to read various books to build my knowledge, which keeps me busy during lockdown.
10. DSTV remote for entertainment.
11. Mosquito coil, to prevent mosquito biting.
12. Body cream, for smooth skin after workout.
13. Crayons for painting and drawing.
14. Playing cards game that always bond myself and family together.
15. Bakugan Wii game, to kill time.