By Florence

1. Ball, I play football with my boys in the evenings to reduce my weigth.
2. Wine glass, to drink wine so I don;t get bored.
3. Storybooks, to read and learn about African cultures (I’m Luo).
4. Holly Bible, to become more spiritual.
5 & 6. Play Station controls and games to play with my boys, I join them when I am free.
7. Laptop, for my business and to keep me busy with social media.
8. Calculator, to keep up wiht my monthly budget during these tough times.
9. Remote control car, I enjoy seeing my boys playing with this in the house.
10 Srewdriver, to represent all the things that need fixing in the house. I live alone with my 3 boys and a home help lady.
11. Book I’m reading at the moment: A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen.
12. Black and White whisky.
13. Puma trianers to keep fit.
14. Wrist watch, to keep track of time.
14. The TV remote is to keep news updates from around the world.
15. The table where we all come together at dinner time.