By Magdalena Zając

1. Bag for shopping - I refuse to use single plastic, so this is absolutely essential (this one I've sewn by myself).
2. My plushie-koala - a friend spending the whole quarantine with me. I'm currently on international exchange, before leaving I moved out of
the apartment in my city and gave my parents my things, but I forgot about my koala, so he became a little traveler.
3. Coffee - obviously.
4. Laptop, which is the basis for online classes and my projects
5. In my country we use the expression 'look through pink glasses' to assume a generally optimistic and cheerful attitude.
6. Sketchbook for visual notes.
7. Scrunchie, because my hair likes to be tied up during quarantine.
8. Tailor tape, because I study Textile and fashion design on my exchange and despite the fact that some assignments have been changed
due to the current situation, I did some interesting projects anyway.
9. Watercolors (but also paints and other art materials) - for making projects and art.
10. A day without vegetables is a day wasted!
11. A mask - the most important thing is to be responsible and safe.
12. Skin care cosmetics - because I have a lot of time for this.
13. Kitchen cloths / art - I paint on kitchen cloths and second-hand fabrics.
14. Books - I read in English now because I don't know Slovenian.
15. Calendar - in this respect I am 'analog' and I like to organize my time in this way.