By Matt Shunshin
Matt is a cardiologist working at a NHS London Hospital on the Covid-19 wards
1. My scrubs
2. Goggles
3. Mask (one of many)
4. Phone
5. Hand gel
6. Gin - for the end of the shift
7. Hand-held ultrasound machine
8. Another mask - I wear this one on the way home
9. Toto's Apple - my daughter's favorite book
10. Hand cream - I get through a lot of this
11. Peppa Pig - my wife is working from home and doing all the childcare. Peppa Pig distracts our 1 year old long enough for her to have a cup of tea or a Zoom call
12. Noodles - people have been incredibly generous sending food to the hospital. I don't actually have to eat my cup noodles.
13. Chocolate - goes well with diet coke
14. Diet Coke - gallons of it 15. Laptop - I am running a clinical trial of medications to reduce the complications of COVID-19