By Philly Clark

“Things that keep me sane during lockdown”
1. Lemons. Daily vitamin C. Just add hot water. Or gin.
2. Firstly its loo roll. Secondly the joy of discovering new brands during lockdown. @whogivesacraptp
3. @nealsyardremedies bath bubbles for those rare stolen moments of solitude.
4. Phone. Pls note it is the landline. Something so special about a 1to1 with family and friends.
5&6 @papier notebook and pen to jot my ‘musings’.
7. A tomato plant. Raised from a seed. Just to add another thing to look after but it least it does so silently.
8. My camera. To record these times.
9. Headphones. Sadly not noise cancelling but to escape in to the world of podcasts
10. Books. To lose myself in.
11. Yeast. First attempt at bread making #newlockdownskill
12. Rosé and ice. My drink of choice. Most days it turns out.
13. Eggs. Since shopping trips have been rationed we always seem to run out. Who knew we used so many.
14. Cow parsley. So lucky to live in the countryside
15. Trainers. For that secret runner who seems to have emerged since lockdown. The need to escape?!
Essex, United Kingdom