By Royce Epstein

1. Stendig calendar designed by Vignelli to keep track of the endless days at home.
2. Essential face mask in black and white of course.
3. Comfy b/w checkered socks.
4. Red notebook.
5. Fav writing pens.
6. Sketch of my beloved pup done by my beloved man.
7. Guitar pedal for jamming some garage rock;.
8. Fancy cherry blossom tea from Paris.
9. Chia bar, I eat one every day.
10. Washi tape for various projects but mostly covering my camera on computer.
11. Plant to stay connected to nature while we are indoors.
12. Candle for relaxation.
13. Yarns used for my WFH design job.
14. Ceramic mug with famous artists given to me by a dear friend.
15. 45 record of David Bowie with Keith Haring cover