By Sara Frisk

2. Cookbook: Scouring for interesting recipes to keep me occupied and fed
3. Paperback fiction: Abandoned my kindle for an old-school paper escape. Going through one a week.
4. Wine: 2 wine club subscriptions used to feel gluttonous, now feels essential
5. Dark chocolate almonds: with the wine, of course
6. The New Normal: A daily capture of this crazy new world
7. Fresh veggies: The only thing that warrants a grocery store run
8. Remote: Binge-watching tv series
9. Cocktail cherries: Making manhattans makes the frequent drinking somehow seem more civilized
10. Sneakers: Going for long meandering walks (almost) every day
11. Headphones: Music to fuel the soul (in motion)
12. Homemade mask: Made from a cloth napkin and hair ties
13. Rubber gloves: For occasional contact with the outside world
14. Hair clippers: There's a first time for everything
15. Jambox: Music to fuel the soul (at home)