By Steffanie Murphy

15 things that bring me joy
1. Jake! This kid keeps me on my toes as he explores and questions everything. His enthusiasm is contagious.
2. My succulents, the one thing in the house that continues to grow without my help.
3. Music, if I turn it up loud enough I can escape and almost drown out the chaos of the three different classes (thank you teachers!) going on in this small house.
4. Charley Harper, his work is sprinkled all over my house. The methodical way he portrays nature and wildlife, makes my OCD and creative self feel whole!
5. Just like @lcarlsness the Laveige Lip Sleeping Mask. I love the smell and the smooth, creamy texture.
6. Sunglasses, it’s bright in Phoenix😎 @knockaround. If you guys haven’t designed your own sunglasses, do it!
7. My yoga mat. “Morning yoga in the grass” as I pretend am at a fancy resort.
8. My favourite hat, there is no reason to wash my hair every day.
9. Tinker box @kiwico_inc the kids and I love creating together, these kits have everything you need to be successful.
10. Diet Coke 😬it’s a problem.
11. Evalyn, this sweet lady always keeps me in the present, with her constant desire to build, create and imagine. She truly has a heart of gold.
12. Cal, the kid who made me a mom. He has grown into a very calm, reassuring presence in our home. I am so proud of the self-awareness he has shown throughout this pandemic.
13. Tennis Shoes, for our nightly family walks.
14. My favourite sweat pants, because no one sees your legs on zoom.
15. Swimming with my favourites. The record temperatures have us in the pool early this year.