By Vittoria Tedaldi

"Walking barefoot through lockdown"
1. Socks: as in “no socks”. Even though when the lockdown started in Madrid it was still winter, I was delighted not wearing them.
2. Kindle: I spent much more time than usual with my kindle. Best book of the lockdown “Point Lenana” by Wu Ming 1 and Roberto Santachiara. A story of mountaineering, imprisonment and escape.
3. Wool quilt: handmade out of some old sweaters of my parents, it has been a way to feel a bit closer to my family in Italy, while I was keeping warm as I refused wearing socks ;P
4. My perfume: wearing cologne just for the sake of it, to feel more “me”. 5. Dark Chocolate: an essential daily treat
6. My favorite steel spoon: it represents cooking as a way of caring. After long days in front of our laptops we meet in the kitchen and enjoy new and old recipes.
7. Espresso coffee cup: two or three espressos per day, made with my Italian moka pot, are mandatory.
8. Playing cards: slowing down our day to day we suddenly had time to play. In the picture the beautiful Spanish cards deck illustrated by @siljagoetz_illustration for @nhfournier
9. Weights and yoga mat (underneath all the items): exercising regularly has been very important for both my body and my mind
10. Coaster and caps: a glass of good wine or beer has been the cherry on top of many nice meals during the lock down.
11. Necklace: as in “dress up from the waist up for the conference calls”. A new way of thinking about my work outfits.
12. Remote control: I was finally able to watch the 4 seasons of Treme, dancing on the theme song cheers me up.
13. Headphones: to listen to music, join a meeting or a webinar, or just focus softening the noise around.
14. Notebooks: to take notes, journaling, doodling, brainstorming…I have been writing a lot more than usual in the last months
15. I started the lock down with a peak of work: magic whiteboard sheets and markers have been extremely important to navigate through a research project.

Madrid, Spain