By Xiaoyu Yin

1. Big yellow bags with embroideries which I ironed on it: to carry my grocery shopping
2. Headphones: to enjoy music when I’m reading and working
3. Pink notebook: to capture all of my inspirations and drawings during my daily life.
4 & 5. Alcohol wipes & Disinfectant: daily clean my photographic equipment (trying to record my life and work).
6. Kindle for reading.
7. Laptop: for receiving emails and news.
8. An electronic pot: to cook simple foods in my own dorm.
9 & 10. Bowl and chopsticks: to EAT!!!! some Chinese food and snacks and satisfy my Chinese appetite.
11. iPad: for drawings and inspiration.
12 & 13. Big & small red blessing bags with strings: my mom asked this from a buddhist master to bless me and keep safe and sound during Chinese year of the Rat.
14 & 15. My card & room key: which I need carry every time I go out.