By Dylan Lee (11 years old - part of a family set The Lees)

1. A prized hoodie that I failed to return after covid distracted us and the return period expired
2. Hair brush
3. Mangos. all. the. Time
4. Bedazzled sloth
5. Apple remote for watching Parks and Rec or 30 Rock
6. Clickety clackety keyboard
7. iPad for reading and writing and school
8. iPhone
9. Double Daring Book for Girls
10. Glasses (still not properly fitted as we wait for Warby Parker to open back up some day)
11. Clarinet
12. Harry Potter re-read relentlessly
13. Spinning top from her great uncle’s store in Maine (for during class)
14. Birthday swatch that ticks so loudly it sounds like a leaky faucet.
15. Notebook from the Louvre for book ideas.