By Esmerelda Steel (7 years old - part of a family set The McKenzie Johnston - Steels)

My 15 Covid-19 essentials
2. Pull-up bar; I’m keeping strong and I’m keeping tough
3. My riding hat; I’m looking forward to getting back to my pony when we can go to Yorkshire
4. Chocolate
5. My Coronavirus balls; I made them with my father. I have done lots of art in lockdown
6. My school work book; it keeps me busy
7. Lemon tree; I have started to grow so many plants, as well as this there are tomatoes, avocados, sweet peas and fun seeds
8. Swimming trunks; I wear these every day, they’re comfy and they dry fast after water fights with my brother
9. My cap, it keeps me shaded from the sun and it keeps my hair out of my eyes
10. Books; I have a passion for Roald Dahl
11. Ballet shoes; because I can’t do ballet lessons in person I do them on Zoom and that keeps me busy too
12. Wooden spoon; I have been doing a lot of cooking, it’s fun
13. Scoop magazine @scoopmag; I like writing book reviews for them and also I love the magazine
14. My diary; I write down how I’m feeling and what I think and also I draw pictures in it
15. My dinosaur that I sleep with